Monday 22 December 2008

Home Again

I'm home now. Nothing to do. Sorry for the lack of updates. Sorry to the six of your that read.
My flight consisted of a nearly five hour bus trip to SLC, two hour wait at SLC, six hour flight, six hour lay-over, a little over four hour wait on the airplane waiting to be de-iced, six hour flight to MAN, 1.5 hour drive home. But I sat next to nobody the entire travel time, so it wasn't terrible, just long.

So far I have sat around, gone to the Commissary and gone to Lakenheath. Nothing terribly exciting.

Im starting a workout program that should increase my pushup longevity to higher than it's current capacity. I am starting a blog to track and enocourage my program.

Please visit and enocourage my success!

Feel 100% free to join me and ask me to post your day-to-day successes for us!
Wish me luck!

Monday 1 December 2008

Effective Modes of Transportation

It's been a while since I last posted, but something I've been wanting to write about since my first time here, and what I just saw, not even twenty minutes ago convinced me to write this. Here we go:

Pros: Great way to get around on this small campus and it's good for you.
Cons: It will get SUPER cold and snowy around these parts real soon, and Im sure im going to be the only person walking.

Pros: Saves time, good short workout, no bike theft in Rexburg-so no lock required
Cons: I hear in the summer people get a lot of flats, you may be sweaty for classes and such, especially if your that one idiot that rides his bike to church (whom I see every sunday riding in his suit), bad drivers are not afraid of sacraficing your life to save them time on the road.

Pros: Quick travel, gas is super cheap here $1.63 as of yesterday night, you can actually leave this crappy little town whenever you want!
Cons: No parking, everyone drives, FHE sisters have some sort of compulsory need to take window chalk to your windshields, either saying "just married" or "This guy is a terrible driver, please run him off of the road!"

Push Scooters:
Pros: NONE
Cons: Slow, use more energy, childish (what are we in? 3rd grade?!?! GROW UP COLLEGE STUDENTS!) They are ugly, and everyone who has one seems to want to tell me some story about how they cant ride it when its raining or cold, or too sunny, or when they are attempting to be preppy freaks.

This was to be my main focus today, I HATE SCOOTERS!
I saw a girl who was unable to talk on her phone and do it at the same time, and later I saw hit a patch of dirt and flip off the scooter and roll about three feet. Im glad she's not hurt, but it only secures my opinon on how even children can stay on the @#$% things.

What are your thoughts on scooters on a supposedly mature college campus. Keep in mind I see more then the same one or two everyday, I will see atleast a dozen in between my classes. What will they do when the snow hits? Will they learn how to walk? Are they able to hold their heads up on their own? I guess they will find out, my money says that I will see atleast one guy/girl crash on the ice, get up, and take off again praying that no one saw them. But I will see them, oh yes I will. Where ever there's a moron on scooter falling, I'll be there. Where ever there's fight against the blood and hatred in the a...wait. Whatever, I lost THAT train of thought.

Well. Im going to FHE now. Hope I dont drill my brains out of my head!

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Happy Late Veteran's Day

It doesnt matter that it's late, like someones birthday might, everyday is a celebration for the people who do the leg work to insure my freedom.

Thank You. Come home safe.

Here's some blogs about tuesday.

KBR: Sad, but pointed. Always a great read. I look for an update everyday. Excellent writer.

Army of Dude. Good writer, talks about the shell shock of being home. I felt very much like him when he describes the students everywhere who didnt understand what veterans day meant. Though it means SO much more to him then it can to me at this point in life.

Comment how YOU feel about the day and whatever you'd like.

Monday 10 November 2008

Another quick update!

I forgot to mention in the previous post that I started my mission papers last night.
I need to go get ANOTHER physical, and return to the dentist... What a bad last few weeks medically...
I also need to talk to mom and dad about some of their details, but im excited to be able to start them. I hope all my faithful readers (and my not so faithful readers) write to me.
OK, That's im done, hope to hear form you guys soon!


Sunday 9 November 2008

She Cant Take No More!

Yesterday, three plays into the football game, I tore the ligament in my right ankle. We threw a intercepted pass, and I had to do a quick cut to my left. Immediately, my ankle stayed in the ground and my body kept moving. I fell to the ground and heard a loud "POP". Later I played a few more plays, but I couldnt move like I needed too.

Ive since been to the hospital, they issued me an Aircast, which is removable and helps when I walk. The ER doc. said I severly tore my ligament in my right ankle. Normal sprains heal in 3-6 weeks, he said mine could be longer 6+. Which isnt very hopful, but I think I will be able to walk relatively normal in a week or two. Until I can continue running, I will work on my upper body more. (Like it needs more work! pssh!) I imagine in my military class they will have me run the warm up cadence and then go to the weight room for a week or two. I hope I can have someone lift weights with me.

Walking is still painful, this morning (now monday) I had to walk to a class on the complete otherside of campus, though its a small campus, this building is uphill all the way. It took me over half an hour! Normally 7-10 minutes became 30! Plus it was raining... Luckily I left early because I knew it would be harder, but I was still a few minutes late. I'm in the library now doing homework and downloading The Unit. Im dreading walking downhill home, not only will I have to go back up hill, but the rain will probably get worse.

Ive recently discovered the dicovery channel, history channel, and military channel all have podcasts, most of short clips of their shows, but they are intense! I love these things. I've been reading and watching about battles in Iraq, Viet Nam, and other such wartimes. These are great! They break down little details, who did what and where. and even political motives. I rarely use our tv at my apartment, if I do its for the discovery channel or animal planet (specifically the freaky animals) and I love it! I think they should have a class where all we do is analyize the history channel. The other day I watched the show Combat Zone, which is an indepth analysis of battles. I particularly watched the episode about the Battle of Tal Afar. I love that Im learning things that teach me recent history and today's events. I think I perfer this specifically because most of my classes are with 18 year olds who still act like they are in High School.

Well, I got to read some Science papers before I head out of here. my goal from now on is to not spend more then 50 dollars at the grocery store. Trips may be more frequent, but I think this will help me realize how much money im spending. Which Im slowly realizing more and more that im spending a ridiculous amount...

I cant believe there is only four weeks left! It went by fast, and I wish I could've started studying harder from the beginning, im definitely paying for it now. Well, I got to go.
Give me a call sometime, I have a lot of sitting around to do for a few weeks...


Saturday 1 November 2008

Best. Night. Ever. OR Why not to eat pizza during a Midnight 5K.

The sad truth is I'm running better, working out harder, and slowly improving. The sad thing is, I was eating pizza the whole way!

Let me explain.

Fridays: Long day, two classes, five hour inbetween, boring, but restful.
Today, since our military physical fitness class has newbies, it's time for them to run the PT test (two min of push ups, two min of sit ups, two mile run). Which is never fun.

So me and some peeps from my class were talking about the midnight 5K or 5pooK run. Every semester they have one and the fall you get to dress up and run. Its the same run we do for class, around the campus and such, but with a few laps thrown in. So, not much of a terrible workout, well, it still sucks. So me and my buddy Cash met up with a kid from our class Brad and went on this 5K. I went as a guy who was stabbed to death with a pen (pictures to come) and Cash went as a jedi with an awesome lightsaber (totally kills the ones Emily's family owns. But Cash is also a very special brand of child.) Before the 5K Me, Cash, and his roommate whose name I cant recall at the moment, all went to the Blacklight Party. Which wasn't as good as I'd hoped it be. Saw some people I knew, but left pretty earlier. So we stopped by little ceasers on the way home, and picked up some pizza.

We ate some before the race, dished some out to people before and during the run, and ate some ourselves during the run. Which was the BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER! I feel so crappy at the moment. But it was so much fun. Again, I got to push people, and make friends doing it. I met the mad hatter girl, and the girl that happened to be in Cash's ward. And the school bus, which was a shopping cart with a lot of people and a yellow banner aroudn them all running together.

People loved my costume and were snapping pics with me a lot. And alot of people posed and took pics of me and Cash with our pizza boxes. I made the time in 27 minutes. A passable time for the Marine Corps! HOORAH BABY! Pizza in hand, and in stomach. Uphill a lot as well. I feel good. Well, only about that. Physically I won't sleep well tonight. I have to get up early for a football game too. Im going to be so miserable tomorrow.

This is the most fun I've had since I've gotten here. For sure!

Cash and I are on a pizza ban. Well, I am for sure. That crap hurts so bad, I have one giant knot in my stomach. Well guys, I got a game tomorrow. Good night and Good luck!


BTW (by the way) My team name is the wildcats.

Monday 20 October 2008

Potholes of Wisdom OR The Key for Excruciating Pain

So, as mentioned in my previous post, I've been in some huge pain. I know quite a few people here who are becoming dentists and all of them are surprised that I haven't been given vicodine or anything for pain. That's funny, because after the last few days, I too am surprised that I wasnt given anything to atleast cut off the nerves from my face-area to my brain. My roommate suggested I go to the Student Health Center and have them give me a prescription. I figured that would be easy, I could go to it right after my classes. So I did.

I made an appointment and called my mom. She said to make sure that they do take my insurance, so I do not have to pay anything. So, I called real quick to find out. Turns out that they do not contract to any insurance company, so they will only know AFTER they commit me to their battery of tests and paperwork. So I cancelled, just in time so I dont have to pay a fee as well!

I called my dentist (whose name I now know) and he said come in as soon as you can. I called around my roommates for a ride, but to no avail. I called my FHE sisters, all were busy. So I went to my elders qourum president, (who lives around the corner, literally) and asked if he wanted to do his service for the day, he said yes, but had a class during the time I needed to go, but he asked his roommate, who gave me a ride, and was nothing but friendly. I told him to make sure if there is anything he needs doing, Im his man.

I was in and out in maybe 10 minutes total. Maybe not even that long. It turned out that the pain was caused by, and check this out for gross-out factor, festering food stuck in my wisdom holes (do they have a name of the holes? Gums? That sounds too easy.)

Unfortunately the blonde dentist (that felt too much like scrubs where Janitor calls the blonde doctor "Blonde Doctor".) wasn't working, but I have an appoinment for a cleaning next week. I hope they drain as much from my insurance as they can. Legally. Today's appointment was free, which was good. My dentist is a good guy, slow sense of humor, but his assistants (who know my name, maybe because im in so much, or they deal with my insurance, or im such a baby that I have to go back to get my wisdom holes cleaned) make up for it, they are super friendly. Go figure! They're early-mid 20's mormon women. Probably making a fortune at this practice as well! hmmm, maybe I should be a dentist. It sounds like a lot of work. Maybe i'll be a dentist in England! Maybe i'll just rob a bank, that's a lot less thinking, and if it's a small town, I may actually get away with it...wait! My concisence wouldn't much care for that! oh well!

Well, that was just an update for today. Talk to you guys later. Does anyone know if Dan reads these? Or the grandparents? Can I delegate that to someone? I give this assignment to Mom and Anna, for some grandmother/granddaughter bonding.
